Friday, September 19, 2008


Updated every Tuesday and Friday, these logs describe the work needed to be accomplished for the week and the results of the week. (comments below)


CA said...

Plans for Week of Sept 15-19

Since brainstorming, alternate solutions, and rationale report are due by September 18th, I will be focusing my efforts on finishing these. My brainstorming information is nearly complete as well as the 6 drawings for my alternate solutions, but they still have to be colored. My reasoning behind my rationale report has been considered, but I still have to type this up. Other than that, all I have to do is post this information in my blog. Following submission of this information, I will be taking a short hiatus and will resume work next week.

CA said...

Week of Sept. 15-19

Work this week has mainly focused on completing the three alternate solutions for the gown and suit as well as publishing earlier brainstorming and rationale behind each design. I spent about 2 days sketching and outlining drawings and then the rest of my time writing up a description of each, pros and cons, and a chart describing the rationale behind each design. I was able to successfully publish my alternate solutions on the assigned due date: Thursday, September 18th. After studying the solutions, I have chosen design 3.

CA said...

Plans for Week of Sept. 22-26

My goals for the week are to start working on the model, which is due on October 22nd. The model for my particular project is only two very detailed drawings of the final solution on large paper. In this week I hope to start and finish the drawings of the gown. I had expected to do measurements for the final product this week, but I will be unable to.

CA said...

Week of Sept. 22-26

Since I was out from Wednesday to Friday, I was unable to work on my model during class. However, i started the drawings at home.

CA said...

Plans for Week of Sept. 30 to Oct. 3

After consulting with my instructors, I determined that in addition to the two large drawings, I need to include sewing samples, or examples of particular stitching on the garments. For this week I plan to work on and render my drawings and complete a materials list and preliminary plan of procedures.

CA said...

Week of Sept. 30 to Oct. 3

I have been working on my model pictures and still need to get measurements from my models. I have completed a rough draft of the materials list and the plan of procedures as well as fixed my testing procedure after recieving feedback.

CA said...

Plans for week of Oct. 6 to 10

This week I am planning to finish my model drawings and pick up some fabric samples.

CA said...

Week of October 6 to 10

I have not yet finished my model drawings nor have I picked up fabric samples. We were told that we will be having an informal presentation on October 14 so I spent time writing up an outline for my presentation.

CA said...

Plans for week of October 14 to 17

This week we will be presenting our work to date. My presentation will be on Tuesday.

CA said...

Week of October 14 to 17

This week I presented my project work so far. Based on input from my instructors, I will be fixing some small problems with my blog as well as finishing my model.

CA said...

Plans for week of October 20-24

This week i will put the finishing touches on my model drawings by wednesday and complete a fabric sample board for my presentation.

CA said...

Week of October 20-24

This week I finished my model and I am currently waiting to review it with my instructors. My fabric sample board is also completed.

CA said...

Plans for Week of October 27-31

This week we will be doing formal progress presentations. My presentation will be on Wednesday. I also plan to visit my mentor this week to go over my final design.

CA said...

Week of October 27-31
I presented my project on Wednesday of this week. I also spoke to my mentor on October 31st and we agreed taht it would be best for me to send over my pictures via e-mail.

CA said...

Plans for week of November 3-7
Since it is an abbreviated week, I will not have a lot of time in class. I will buy fabric for the gown this week.

CA said...

Week of November 3-7
This week I worked on a materials list and plan of procedure.

CA said...

Plans for week of November 10-14
This week i plan to work on my bid process and update my calendar for marking period 2

CA said...

Week of November 10-14
This week i updated my calendar and finished my bid process. I have selected two manufacturers and one online company to request my fabric from.

CA said...

Plan for Week of November 17-21
This week I plan to finish my bill of materials and plan of procedures for sewing my dress and suit.

CA said...

Week of November 17-21
This week I finished my bill of materials and plan of procedures to the best of my ability without actually finishing the products. I will edit it as necessary.

CA said...

Plans for Week of November 24-26
This week I will work on my dress.

CA said...

November 24-26
This week I started work on the bodice of my dress. I made the inner layer and put support in it. I then sewed the outer layer and am currently fitting the two together.

CA said...

Plans for Week of Deceber 1-5

This week I plan to finish the bodice of my dress. I also plan to buy fabric for the skirt of the dress.

CA said...

Week of December 1-5
This week during class I started work on my procedure for the portion of the dress that i have already made. I worked on the bodice but have not yet finished it because i'm waiting for my sewing machine to come back from the repair shop.

CA said...

This week i plan to buy fabric for the skirt of my dress since last week i was unable to do so. It has been difficult for me to match the color of red that i used for the bodice so it has been necessary for me to visit several stores.

CA said...

Week of December 8-12
This week i went out shopping for fabric. i was unable to match a color but i am sure that when i go out shopping this weekend i will be able to find a matching bolt.

CA said...

Plans for Week or December 15-19
Having nearly completed my gown, i have been focusing my efforts on how i will construct the suit. What i have discovered is less than comforting. It turns out that to make a high quality suit, it really takes years of experience in the field, something i do not have. There is either a floating or fused canvas in every suit, which gives it it's shape. Cheap suits are fused with interfacing while expensive suits have a floating horsehair canvas. Over time, this shrinks to fit the wearer nearly perfectly. I do not have access to the tools and equipment to make one of these so i will have to use interfacing. This will greatly reduce the quality of my suit and i'm pretty disappointed about this. I have contacted my mentor for advice on this.

CA said...

week of December 15-19

This week is winter ball week! Which means that during winter ball i can do some research on dress design haha. This weekend and for break i will spend time finisheing up the dress and possibly drawing up patterns.

CA said...

Plans for Week of January 5-9
This week i plan to finish my developmental work including dress patterns and the plan of procedures for making the dress. I also plan to post my math and science analysis as well as log mentor contacts

CA said...

Week of January 5-9
This week i finished my bill of materials and posted it as a blog. I also finished the procedure for assembling my dress and posted pictures of the assembly up to the skirt. I also finished the tie and posted a plan of procedure for that as well as an assembly picture. I wrote up my math and science analysis and posted that. This weekend i will finish up the skirt on the dress and take more pictures of it for the blog. This must be done my monday according to my calendar which states that all developmental work must be done by January 12th. I would like to contact my mentor when i finish my dress for some final critique.

CA said...

Plans for week of January 12-16

This past weekend I finished sewing my dress. I have posted pictures of the finished product at the end of my procedure list. I have handed in my developmental work and math and science analysis. I have been working on my mentor contact sheets and will finish them by the end of the week. I will also work on an outline for my presentation which will be in the coming weeks. As soon as my presentation is done i will begin work on the suit muslin.

CA said...

Week of January 12-16

This week i worked on mentor contacts. I did some corrections on my math and science analysis as well. Next week are presentations so i will be working on an outline today.

CA said...

Plans for Week of Feb 2-6

Yesterday I was absent from school, but today I took measurements for the men's suit. I will begin construction of the suit this week. I also finished my calendar dates for marking period III which were due today.

CA said...

Week of Feb 2-6

This week i worked on my suit muslin. I plan to finish it over the weekend.

CA said...

Plans for Week of Feb 16-20

This week i plan to check the fit of my suit muslin, make any necessary alterations, and begin work on the final product

CA said...

Week of Feb 16-20

I finished my suit muslin

CA said...

Plans for week of Feb 23-27

This week i plan to try the muslin on Jeremy for fitting and buy the actual suiting fabric.

CA said...

Plans for week of March 3-7
Over the weekend i did a LOT of work on my project. I basically finished the suit and while i was at it, decided to completely redo the gown. I am not keeping any of my original design ideas but overhauling it completely. In order for this to fit the Capstone design project specifications, this requires me to go back to my previous work and update it. This includes everything from my bill of materials to my original drawings. It will be a lot of work to complete within the time frame of 7ish days, but i feel confident that i will be able to redo the dress successfully and turn in something better than i had originally planned. Even if i am unable to finish this new dress, i still have my original gown done which can be turned in if need be.

CA said...

Week of March 3-7
This week i worked on my press release.

CA said...

Plans for week of March 16-20

This weekend i finished the construction of both my dress and suit and handed it in on Monday of this week. This concludes the construction portion of my project and i will be working on the TSA competition outline for the presentation this week.

CA said...

Week of March 16-20

I worked on my tsa outline for the presentation

CA said...

Plans for week of March 23-27

This week i plan to work on my formal progress update outline since presentations will be starting soon.

CA said...

Plans for Week of March 30 - April 3

This week is the TSA Competition at NCNJ. The competition is on March 31st from 7am to 4pm. I will be competing in the fashion design competition with my model, Jeremy May, and my emcee Myya Mcgregory.

CA said...

Week of March 30 - April 3

This week was the TSA Competition. At 7:00 we all arrived at High Tech to wait for the buses. We were wearing the standard TSA outfit: Blue blazer, grey skirt, white blouse, and a red tie. The bus ride was long and pretty boring because i couldnt fall asleep. For the first hour or so, i wandered around the TCNJ campus and talked to some kids from Howell High School. They were competing in the prepared debate. Following my intriguing conversation with these folks i proceeded to wait around for another hour or so until the time came for my competition. We put on our garments which fit nearly perfectly and waited to be called up on stage. I was misinformed that day and told that we would not be needing an emcee but it turned out that we did. The whole presentation was rather last minute but it went over well nontheless. We changed back into our uniforms and watched the last two runway presentations. I felt confident that i would at least place since some of the garments were actually made with patterns, some were poorly made, and one team didnt even have a suit. After the fashion design competition we went to eat lunch at the TCNJ cafeteria. The food was not very appetising since the grease-laden food was prepared right in front of us. I had a grilled cheese and soda. Afterwards we wandered up to look at the Architectural models. Compared to Jeremy and Jared's model, the others were seriously lacking. Most did not even add dimensions onto their drawings. We felt sure that we would do well; the only flaw in their model was the lack of team numbers. We sat around for a while waiting for the awards ceremony and finally headed over to the auditorium. There were a ton of events and it was kinda boring to sit through and listen to all of them. Jeremy and Jared did not place of their architectural model despite theirs being 1: the most practical and 2: the only one to follow all the specifications. We assume they didnt win because their model lacked numbers. I came in second place for fashion design with the team that made 3 dresses beating me even though their designs didnt follow the specifications of the project. I didnt even get a trophy because they messed up the trophy distribution :/. This ended the TSA competiton as far as i could tell until the next day my teacher informed me that i had indeed placed first. This makes me eligible to compete in Nationals in Denver, CO. However, i am not sure i will be able to attend nationals because of family obligations. Because my parents used to work for an airline company, they recieve virtually free standby tickets to almost anywhere. The only catch is that if the plane is full, we cant leave. We are scheduled to go away some time around TSA but we cannot set an exact date because of the nature of these tickets.

The rest of the week was presentations and AMI.

CA said...

Plans for week of April 20-24

This week i plan to set up my testing procedure and begin writing my testing results. At this point i can express my expectations for the project without being biased by the results.

CA said...

Week of April 20-24
This week i corrected my testing procedure writeup on Blogger.

CA said...

Plans for Week of April 27-May 1

This week I will be working on the writeup for my testing results. On monday I started writing it and on tuesday I corrected what I had written thus far. On Wednesday and Thursday I will work on any other paperwork due for the 4th marking period and Friday is Rude Awakening so I'm not sure that I will be in class to work on anything.

CA said...


On may 21st at approximately 630 pm the MAST senior class held their annual senior project night. The purpose of the event is to display the work done by seniors throughout the course of the year. I was given the opportunity to display my dress and suit. Overall, the feedback i recieved was very positive. People seemed to really like my project and I had a lot of opportunities to explain it.